poetry, spring 2016
Darling Daughter
Darling Daughter,
When they want to cleave your bark to read your rings, hack away at your outermost with steel edges, accuse you of a petticoat conspiracy that you are a part of because we are all a part of it from the age when we pass notes in our pastel bubble writings, then you tell them, dear child, of the female narrative not born of temptation & sin but of the blood of your blood singing out
one generation to the next.
Audrey T. Carroll
Queens, NYC native Audrey T. Carroll is an MFA candidate with the Arkansas Writer’s Program and graduated with a BA in Creative Writing from Susquehanna University. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Fiction International, Hermeneutic Chaos, Foliate Oak, the A3 Review, and others. She can be found at http://audreytcarrollwrites.weebly.com and @AudreyTCarroll on Twitter.