a guide to all the cuts of beef
cleft and butchered, now diagrammed:
this male, this female, which is worse.
my body apportioned to king and queen.
the higher, the lesser now drawn: red
lines, cartographic and ranked. a body
is made of meat cuts: sirloin, brisket
and shank. each piece is priced, and
should not be boiled in the milk of its
mother – there is a rule to everything,
including how to consume each other.
this foot, we will call italy; demand white
wine and sunglasses. this mouth, we will
name after a river and expect salty white.
nothing will be left to itself. instead,
outlined, labelled, fought over, claimed,
reclaimed. my body, properties of
nation-states: a conference on my head,
barbed wires on my crotch. a name,
a name. a name I will fight to forget.