
so you say you want your dick


want to fuck

the bitches and hoes

well, you’re talking about me

bro, when I say what I see

when I speak out

about the words you choose

how you use

my sisters, when I refuse

to cower before

your condemnation

implicit intimidation

explicit degradation

and no, I am not just offended,

and yes, I am just a little bit


assaulted, insulted,

pissed off and fed up

with the bullshit

I will not submit

I am sick

of the attacks so

you better backtrack

take another tack jack

examine the stack

of lies that comprise

your mind redesign

your thinking

stinking with hostility

and misogyny


two can play this

little word game and

I am not ashamed or

as tame

as you may believe

looks can deceive

my words achieve

power beyond shock

value shallow and hollow

I allow myself

to be defiant

will not be silent

or compliant

will not genuflect

I have self-respect

and my message is direct:

you want pussy motherfucker?

good luck

go fuck


Author’s Note: I wrote”rebuttal” in response to the felt-assault of hostile, racist/misogynistic rap performed in a space billed as safe and inclusive. I intend it as an explicit calling-out of frat-boy hip-hop culture, and an expression of the need for women to speak up and out ongoingly.

Naomi Bindman

Naomi Bindman is an award-winning educator from Vermont. She earned her BA from Dartmouth College, and her Master’s from Harvard University. Naomi is a past president of SolarFest, a nationally known music and renewable energy education festival. She has published articles, essays and poetry in the Bennington Banner, Healing Options, VTDigger and Mothering magazine. She has just written her first book, You’re the Words I Sing: A Memoir of Song, Sorrow and Solace.


Strangers curled together on a bed


Surrender, Dekalb County, 2007