poetry, summer 2021
we have summoned
a reckoning
force call her molar call
her drip call her decades
of erosion call her subtle
shift in season call her cloud
behind moon call her
Darwin call her need
call her mother call her egg
which came first
does not matter call her growing
call her smoldering elemental
correspondences call her familiar
call her forever call her
Pamela Turner call her
Sandra Bland call her
Breonna Taylor call her
Korryn Gaines call her
Atatiana Jefferson call her
Shantel Davis call her
Aiyana Jones call her
Charleena Lyles call her
Mitrice Richardson call her
Natasha McKenna call her
by your name call her
call her call her call her
‘s roots are in the farm in Kansas, and she blooms in Topeka with Eddy, Evelynn, and Bastion. She is a poet, social psychologist, teacher, forever student, and dreamer, most whole in the green. Some of her poems appear in or are forthcoming from Pussy Magic Heals, Just Place, Kansas City Voices, Eastern Iowa Review, and High Desert Journal. Along with co-editor Dennis Etzel, Jr., she was awarded the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Region IV-W Campus-Based Publication Award (2018) for their publishing of Ichabods Speak Out: Poems in the Age of Me, Too. More works are always brewing. Instagram: @jerichomariette