Dear Readers of So to Speak,
It is my honor to welcome you to another fantastic online issue. We are so excited to showcase such a breadth of voices and experiences through fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and visual art.
We hear from so many perspectives in this issue: survivors of assault, parents struggling to make ends meet to give their children a better life, refugees starting over in a new and unfamiliar place, individuals searching for unconditional love and acceptance, those mourning and dealing with grief, and the intersections of all these topics. While these pieces cover so much ground, I am struck by how they are united in exhibiting the power that words can have. Words are used as a salve to heal wounds. As a weapon to protect against attack. We see that a loss of words feels like a loss of self. All of this is to say that words have an impact on us all—our perspectives, our identities, our souls.
So to Speak has had an incredible year. In the spring, we printed a wonderful contest issue with selections from judges Pam Houston (fiction), Victoria Chang (poetry), Sandy Allen (nonfiction), and Erin Silver (visual art). On our blog, we introduced two limited series: one focusing on the #MeToo movement, and a second one focused on immigrant narratives. In the upcoming year, we will open submissions for our Fall 2019 contest issue (set to be published in the spring), as well as open submissions for our Summer 2020 online issue (submissions to be opened in the spring). We also hope to expand the blog’s reach even further with interviews, reviews, and educational posts on intersecting aspects of feminism.
As our journal grows, we have been more intentional with curating pieces that not only engage us on a craft level, but also exemplify the more inclusive brand of feminism that we strive to uphold. Our contributors have risen to the occasion in joining us to create a more intersectional literary space that represents the greater human experience. It is easier for some more than others to share their stories, and we applaud the courage shown in this issue. We hope to continue amplifying the voices of those often left unheard.
We have also continued to give back to charities in our local community that align with our mission. Through events, we have supported Ayuda—a local charity dedicated to providing vulnerable immigrants with legal, social, and language services—and Trans Closet, a free closet for non-binary, gender non-conforming, and transgender students to find clothing in a welcoming and safe environment. We plan to work with more organizations like these in our area over the next year, and I encourage you to join us in our endeavors to support human rights and make the world a more inclusive place for everyone. Every day we work to be better allies. We hope you enjoy these beautiful selections and continue to follow along with us on this journey.
All the very best,
Kristen Greiner